Totally Awesome Blog Intro!

Welcome to The Roxx Blog! This is a blog created to share and discuss my journey as I write my book(s) and short stories with other writers, published and yet-to-be-published alike. I also want to share my love of science fiction and fantasy books and short stories with like-minded readers and writers. Those who stop by will hopefully leave with helpful ideas, tips, links and with luck, feeling entertained. And most of all, I hope my blog lets other writers know to keep at it and that there is a vast community out there which is friendly and supportive.

(Hopefully) Helpful Links

As with most people, I chose the wrong degree plan in school and was not formally taught creative writing. It didn't help that my school only offered one or two creative writing courses a semester and usually during the hours I was Adulting at my job.

So here is a list of links that I have thus far found helpful. These are by no means the be-all, end-all, but hopefully the help you. 

Jenna Moreci: YouTube Page
The first helpful page I found, Jenna really provided information in a way that resonated with me.

Brandon Sanderson: Write About Dragons
One of my favorite (living) authors, I was overjoyed to find his series of lectures from the creative writing courses he taught.

Blogs and Sites:

Chuck Wendig's 25 Things I Want to Say To So-Called "Aspiring" Writers 

Found this list, not much for crafting info, but good, straightforward facts (NSFW) *Also note to self: Self, remove the "aspiring" word from your blog. 

The Elements of Style, 4th Edition by William Strunk Jr. and E.B. White
Bought this for either my journalism class or an English course, but never opened it until the last few weeks. I've found it to be full of invaluable information and examples, broken down into 22 elementary rules of usage and principles of composition, plus an additional 21 notes on style. It's $10 or less, so I recommend getting it (Amazon).

More to come

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