Totally Awesome Blog Intro!

Welcome to The Roxx Blog! This is a blog created to share and discuss my journey as I write my book(s) and short stories with other writers, published and yet-to-be-published alike. I also want to share my love of science fiction and fantasy books and short stories with like-minded readers and writers. Those who stop by will hopefully leave with helpful ideas, tips, links and with luck, feeling entertained. And most of all, I hope my blog lets other writers know to keep at it and that there is a vast community out there which is friendly and supportive.

Saturday, August 8, 2015

No Power? No Problem!

For the last two days I have been working on my outline for the book. Big shout out to Jenna Moreci (@jennamoreci)  for the index card idea, found in her YouTube video (here). Though to be honest, I may or may not be using them the same way. Her book, Eve:The Awakening comes out August 12th, 2015, check out her site for details.

Using index cards to organize my ideas, I started with the main events I want to drive the story, tried to separate them into Acts/Sections/whatever I'm new to this, and filled in the blanks. When I got done last night, I believed everything was in a decent initial order. Today as I was making notes on the cards, things changed... Reading through my index cards, testing the flow of events, I ran into problems. It wasn't that the events didn't flow, leading to the next and driving the story, I just woke up and didn't like the story they were telling. Just like that, I tossed out one major event and about ten  minor events. I think the events work better now, but the change is still new, so I am working on filling the holes in. 

And suddenly my power goes. Usually a winter annoyance due to severe snow, this is the second time this summer. No power, no distractions! Then things got crazy... and now I have one helluva index card outline going, 

Power returned after about 2 hours, so updating the blog before transferring this monstrosity to a document.

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