Totally Awesome Blog Intro!

Welcome to The Roxx Blog! This is a blog created to share and discuss my journey as I write my book(s) and short stories with other writers, published and yet-to-be-published alike. I also want to share my love of science fiction and fantasy books and short stories with like-minded readers and writers. Those who stop by will hopefully leave with helpful ideas, tips, links and with luck, feeling entertained. And most of all, I hope my blog lets other writers know to keep at it and that there is a vast community out there which is friendly and supportive.

The Omega Project - A Short Story

Written around 1999-2000? This is a story I wrote from someone else's science fiction creative writing class. I thought I was helping at the time... Of course they got caught out because the story, bad as I think it, was far beyond their skill set, and on top of that this person did not read the story before turning it in...

At any rate, I blasted this out during some boring community college course in one of my sketchbooks. I assume I did editing when I originally transferred it to Word, but who knows. This is word for word from my sketchbook, so don't judge it too badly. It's very "tell", but what do you expect in an hour or two rush job?



2099. Space Station Omega, dark and ominous, floated silently in the space between the moon and Mars. An air of evil appeared to surround  the station against the blood red ground of the alien planet. For years now, the human race has been trying to colonize the Red Planet, building various settlements and industrial "cities". But since the beginning, the human settlers have faced the issue of failed child birth. Or more simply, children born to the zero gravity do not last long and usually suffer immensely before death. Heading the research in one of the lead scientists of Earth, Professor Galan of Europe. With a large team of specialists, he has made many advances in cloning & zero gravity child birth.

"Xander, my boy, has tank 4 been sterilized for the next specimen?" Professor Galan asked.

"Yes sir," the intern replied, "I oversaw the project myself."

"Good, good. Now lets see if we can find Doctor Fuji and get his crew to transfer tanks 4 & 10 to the 14th quarter."

"I believe he is at lunch, sir. I will have Jackson and Yoshi fetch him."

As Xander walked off to find the two other interns, Professor Galan turned back to his thoughts. Only ten years ago had cloning been reinstated into the practicable medicines. Originally discovered and developed in the late 20th century, it was outlawed and banned at the beginning of the 21st century because fo the sudden up-rise in religious fervor. It had taken the minds all over the world, aruging their points and the advantages. And in that time, much ground had been lost in the study and research of cloning.

"If only we had ben left to our studies, who knows where we would be today," Galan murmured to himself.

"Excuse me, sir?"

"Huh?" Oh nothing Xander, my boy," Galan said as he left his thoughts and came back to the now. Did you find Dr. Fuji?"

"No, sir, but Jackson and Yoshi are looking as we speak."

"Good, let him know to meet me in my office."

"Yes, of course, sir."

"My boy, you are too uptight, as soonas you see Dr. Fuji and clean up in here, go trying and unwind." And with that Professor Galan placed his hands in his pockets and strode through the door.


"You!" The portly man yelled, pointing as he walked out of his office. "Come over here, I have an errand for you to run."

"But sir, I am already on an errand for Professor Galan," the intern replied.

"That is of little consequence. You will drop everything and run these files for me immediately. Unless, of cource, you'd rather find yourself in a holding cell?" The man leered.

" Director Grant, Sir. I meant no disrespect. Where would you like these taken?"

"Now that's more like it. These are to go to my secretary and these to Chief Battig. Here, now run along."

"Yes sir! Immediately, sir!" And the intern bowed and ran off on his new assignment.

"I don't like these scientists prancing around giving people the impression that they hold more power than the station director..." Grant said harshly to himself.

"Yes, it is quite a sad sight to see."

Grant jumped and turned with a flash of fright. "Who in the ...! Oh, Commander Kay, who else."

A tall, graying man, thought obviously not weak, continued to stride towards Director Grant, dressed in the typical black uniform of the Space Marines with the red trim and stripes of his commanding status. Usually quite intimidating on any Marine, the black and red ensemble was more than menacing on this man.

"And it appears that you are losing your hold on this station, quite rapidly."

"I don't need your opinion, Commander," Grant grumbled. "And I would appreciate it if you would not listen to my conversations form teh dark corners of my halls."

"Whatever," Kay waved his hand as to dismiss the Director's comments." I am not here to argue or point out the obivous."

"Then why have I been graced with your presence, Commander?"

Because I have a proposition for you. A way for you to reclaim and fortify your power. But of course, if you'd rather I leave..."

Sighing... "Fine, I surrender, say what it is you came to say."

"Of course, and please call me Kay," he said with a menacing grin.


"So we use your regiment to force the scientists to use their cloning for us?"


"And you're positive this will work?"

"Of course, Director. But I really must be going now, I am quite busy and really ahve spent too much time here."


Xander stood numbly in the hall. Too shocked to move more than tremble, his thoughts the only thing racing faster than his heart.

"And how can I help you?" Someone asked snidely.

"Umm.. oh, uh... I'm sorry, " Xander stumbled as he was shook from his thoughts. "My feet hurt and I was just stopping for a breather, Lieutenant Jerrod."

"Good, then move it boy, before I have you moved."

"No need, sir," he said as he raced through the halls to Professor Galan's offices.

Professor Galan looked up from his notes as teh door to his office suddenly opened and admitted a stumbling, panting Xander.

"Prof.. fessor... Galan, sir!" he huffed and puffed. "I just over heard-"

"Xander, my boy, when I told you to unwind, this running around and barging into place was not exactly what I meant."

"I apologize, sir, but I hav ejust over heard Director Grant plotting against the science branhc of the station," Xander continued.

"Bah!" The professor scoffed. "That will go over as well as that 20th century passenger ship that sank. You know the one I speak of, what was it called?" and he sat back and began pondering.

"It was the Titantic, sir. And I know Grant has no sway except over his own people, but Commander Kay is in on t as well," Xander stammered.

"Is he now?" Galan replied, continuing to sit back." Now that, my boy, may be a bit of a problem."

"Yes, yes I know, that is why I came to you immediately. And Lt. Jerrod caught me in the hall, they may suspect I know something."

"True enough," came a new voice.

Both Professor Galan and Xander started and turned towards the door; the source of the third voice. The ominous black visage of Commander Kay stood tall and firm in the doorway. His eyes appeared calm yet fierce and body at rest, but ready to fight. Slowly he strode into the room.

"It appears your errand boy here has heard more than he should have and has spoken what he shouldn't."

Xander stumbled all over himself trying to get behind Professor Galan's desk in hopes of some protection. All the while stammering excuses and apologies.

"Shush boy, you are gibbering," Galen said.

"Of course, you realize my position, don't you Professor?"

"Refresh my memory could you, I am an old man and have trouble reading minds these days," Galan retorted sarcastically.

"My apologies," Kay said through his smile," I must figure out what to do with you two. Obviously I can't just let you go, who knows who you'd tell, and that may ruin my plans."

"Oh but of course, we can't have that, now can we..." Galan grumbled.

"So the question is, what do I do with you?"

"I suppose you could just dump us into space or something," Galan said and clasp his hands studying the Commander intently.

"No, no, no. That would would not do at all, you are still needed. The boy on the other hand..." he said, shifting his attention to Xander. "He is expendable, though you'd most likely expose me, so no dice there."

"Then what are you to do with us?" Professor Galan asked calmly.

"Simple, you two shall be put into a holding cell for suspicion of espionage. That should shake your credibility a bit among the others. And it will also buy some time to figure out exactly what to do."

"Sounds like a plan," Galan said as he stood." Come, my boy, let us be on our way, no point in wasting the good Commander's valuable time."

"But.. but.. but.." Xander stammered, jaw hanging open and shocked beyond belief.

"Shush, my boy, and get a move on."

"I appreciate your cooperativeness, Professor." It would have been a pity had I had to use force," the Commander said as the door opened to admit five black armored Marines.

"I can't decide which is more fearsome, the soldiers' skull masks or your actual face."

"Mine, most definitely," Kay laughed, "and flattery will get you nowhere."

The pair was then escorted to their cells and Commander Kay went back to the barracks and his room to catch up on some much needed sleep.


Weeks went by and the plot had gone on quickly  and without a hitch. The Director soon had complete control of the scientists and by Commander Kay's direction, Grant had them working on certain "advances" in their cloning experiments.

"Looks like things are going well, sir." Lt. Jerrod said as he sat in front of Kay's desk. "You shall soon have your super soldier clones and then perhaps your own army."

"I know, then you and I will finally get off this floating prison. Just how far along are they?" Asked the Commander.

"They have cloned a half dozen, full sized, adult clones and plan on having your 'requests' met within the week."

"This is good. Think of it, Jerrod, a solider that never tires, is taller, stronger, and more agile than any other.Then perhaps men with 'abilities'," Kay pondered.

"They are working on the one with telekinesis as we speak. These scientists are quite quick and know what they're doing before we ask. Perhaps they had this planned all along?"

"Perhaps, but now that doesn't really matter, as long as they do as I say."

"Sir, do you hear that?" Lt. Jerrod asked looking around.

"Hear what Lieutenant?"

"That rumbling... that appears to be growing louder and closer."

"Yeah, now I do. I want to know -"

Both men are suddenly thrown from their seats as the entire room rumbles and shakes in the apparent aftershock of an explosion. Over within seconds, emergency lights beam red in the room.

"Sir?" yelps Jerrod.

"I am fine, contact the bridge and find out what has happened!" Commander Kay ordered as he walked into the hall and began walking to the cloning and research levels


Sparks and alarms blared all over as the Commander stepped out of the level-port. The entire room as in ruins and pressure doors on the other room showed that the center fo the blast had been nearby. Ignoring the moans of the injured, the Commander walked to the scientist in-charge and picked him out of the rubble.

"Are you alright, Doctor Fuji?"

"Quite so," said the short, aging man tartly." And I hope you're happy now! We've managed to create you your first soldier, but he apparently woke up on the wrong side of the cloning cylinder."

"What do you mean, you absurd old man? Are you saying that he did this to the Omega?" Kay asked, his voice shaking.

"Why yes, I do believe that is what I'm saying. And I think... yes, there," Dr. Fuji pointed, "if you look through the view port there you can see your man ripping his way back into the station from the outside.

"What?!" The Command cried looking out, and Doctor Fuji just laughed.


"Professor, are you okay?" Xander asked.

"Lemme see," Galan coughed and sputtered," I have a gash  in my head and what appears to be a metal rod in my gut," Galan cut off into a coughing fit." So, what do you think, my boy?" Galan replied after recovering, before falling to another bout of coughing and moaning.

"Professor, what can I do for you? Should I go get help?" Xander asked frantically.

"Don't be absurd! I'd be dead before you got back. What I want you to do is go through that opening, find my notes, and get yourself out of here."

"But... yes sir," he replied meekly.

"Good boy, now get!"


Frantically Xander searched Galan's office, collecting what notes were intact and what seemed important. Stuffing all he could into a duffle bag, he ran out into the hall. As he turned towards the escape pods, he crashed into someone toppling them both over.

"Hey watch it!" Xander yelled as he picked up the few scattered papers. AS he looked up, his eyes went wide with fear. The "man" before him simply glowed red with black eyes. "One of the Commander's super soldiers..." Xander mustered out of himself just before grabbing his bag and sprinting in fear to the pods.

Once at the pods, it only took him a few seconds to set his course and launch himself away from the Space station Omega.

From space, Xander could see the entire extent of the damage done to the station. The whole science research section was gone, as was the bridge and a good portion of the barracks. He could see a few of the Space Marines in their space-ready armored suits attacking the clone, only to suddenly explode by some unknown force. Xander also noticed fires heading towards the stations reactors and once those blew... nothing would be left of the Omega; at least he hoped not. Xander then sat back and relaxed for the long ride to the moon and waiting for Space station Omega to explode.

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