Totally Awesome Blog Intro!

Welcome to The Roxx Blog! This is a blog created to share and discuss my journey as I write my book(s) and short stories with other writers, published and yet-to-be-published alike. I also want to share my love of science fiction and fantasy books and short stories with like-minded readers and writers. Those who stop by will hopefully leave with helpful ideas, tips, links and with luck, feeling entertained. And most of all, I hope my blog lets other writers know to keep at it and that there is a vast community out there which is friendly and supportive.

Thursday, August 6, 2015

Speed Bumps

I did some minor edits to my blog; changed some colors and layout so that all the text could be read. I will likely make more changed, images and such, that make it slightly more interesting.

With that completed, I sat down to knock out an initial outline.Geared with the notes from my novel writing research, index cards, pens, and a growing list for my outline, I ran into a speed bump: life. I found many in my research stating that responsibilities really limit the time available for writing. I truly underestimated that advice and will have to make sure to prioritize accordingly.

Life Happens, how true that is. I work full time and I have a family whom I love, so after spending all day at work I spend my time with them. Time is at a premium, and personal time doesn't begin until the kids hit the sack. And as any married person knows, that time between the kids bed time and your own is for your spouse, and maybe some time to catch up on personal emails and such.

I will definitely have to consciously evaluate my after work activities and allot at least an hour in every night to work on stuff related to my book.

Oh look, Blizzard announced the next Warcraft expansion! Guess that gives me a year to get this completed before that addiction hits. :)

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